Rudy is a proven presenter and trainer who has provided scores of presentations, workshops, and trainings to faculty and graduate students.

The Workshops listed here are designed to help faculty successfully move their publications forward and progress toward tenure.

The Basics

  • Scholarly Book Proposals

    In this three-hour workshop, we’ll go over the purpose and timing of the book proposal, and look closely at each section.

    We’ll discuss the people and roles who will review the book proposal and how to write to those audiences.

    We’ll spend hands-on time drafting and outlining some sections,
    and will work through how to identify good-fit publishers

    The session includes a one hour follow-up with each participant, within one month, reviewing their proposal document

    $5,000, 10 participant cap

  • Revising the Dissertation for Scholarly Publication

    This three-hour workshop includes a one-hour one-on-one meeting with each participant.

    This workshop will go over the differences between the dissertation and the book and will start faculty down the path of revising their dissertations.

    Faculty should be provided a copy of The Dissertation to Book Workbook

    $5,000, 10 participant cap.

  • 6-Week Dissertation Revision Workshop

    Week 1: Three hour in-person workshop.

    Week 2: Group meeting discussing core ideas and decisions.

    Week 3: One-on-one sessions with each participant.

    Week 4: Group meeting, discussing progress and stumbling blocks.

    Week 5 : One-on-one sessions with each participant.

    Week 6: Book proposals, progress, next steps.

    $ 12,000, 10 participant cap

Additional Workshops

In addition to these basic workshops, I offer a number of others. I’m also happy to talk with you about developing custom workshops

I have a series of workshops designed for new faculty which can be added to a New Faculty Orientation program. And I offer a number of stand-alone workshops, including:

✑ Reverse Outlining and Revising

✑ Citation Management

✑ Conscientious Citation Practices

✑ Advanced Microsoft Word for Writers of Books (or Dissertations)

✑ Faculty Websites and Getting Comfortable with Self-Promotion